5 Tips to Make Intermittent Fasting Easier

Here is a list of top 5 tips that can make transition convenient for curbing cravings and hunger so that people can stay on track and maximize the benefits of fasting –
Stay Hydrated – Sometimes, hunger signals dehydration and one glass of the filtered water might prove to your best pick for stifling the growling stomach. For example, as per the University of Washington’s study, it has been found that drinking 8 ounces of water at your bedtime can shut down the evening hunger pangs. Aim for half your body weight in the ounces of water. In case your weight is 140 pounds, drink 70 ounces of water on a daily basis.
Switch over to Ketogenic diet meal plan – It might sound overwhelming but in reality, this is not as difficult as it seems. Keep your focus on reducing the carbs while increasing protein and fat content of snacks and meals. For reaching and remaining in the state of ketosis, carbs should be restricted. That is why sticking to the keto-friendly foods as well as avoiding those items which are rich in carbs is the best way for successfully losing weight.
Don’t be rigid but strategic – To avoid morning munchies, have a look at your last meal before you start the fast – Did it contain sufficient Whole grains? protein? Fiber? Are you hydrated? Try to fill yourself up with satiating and balanced foods before the fast so that you can stay fuller for a long time period.
Experiment – As far as an Intermittent fasting schedule is concerned, there are no fixed rules and that is why it might be possible that what works for your friend doesn’t work for you. Provided that the fasting does not impact your relationship with food negatively or make you bear with a sense of guilt and too restricted, you are completely free to play around.
Get Excited – Repeating the positive affirmations to yourself will help you get into the productive flow. In case you take enjoyment in the idea of fasting, it will definitely become a lot easier. Keep positives like enhanced focus that has been associated with the intermittent fasting, at your mind’s forefront.
Intermittent fasting can prove to be beneficial for a lot of people as it improves their energy and focus as well as makes weight control the more conscious effort. Give it some time for adjustment because if you have never fasted before, it will take you a while for getting used to the same.
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