Is Intermittent Fasting Effective?

Around the world, so many people are suffering from Obesity. Apart from the reasons for heredity, more pressing reasons are today’s lazy lifestyles and eating junk food. These persons unknowingly invite many more diseases like diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, deficiency in proper blood circulation to the brain, etc., due to their overweight body. As such they should get medical attention, guidance, and advice, as to how to reduce overweight and bring their body condition like any other normal person. In this regard, they need not look beyond Kinetix Wellness Center Chicago, run under the able supervision of Dr. Mona Lala, the famous Weight Loss Consultant. In this Wellness Center, among many other treatment techniques for weight loss, they advise Intermittent Fasting as the sure-shot way, for shedding extra-weight. The answer to the question whether Intermittent Fasting is effective, they vehemently say Yes, arising out of their successfully achieving the result on a number...